Friday, November 8, 2013

Grandpa's clothes

For some reason, I adore this cozy old-man sweater.
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Dress & Sweater: H&M, Belt: Target, Boots: Splendid via Gilt, Necklace: Gift

Speaking of Grandpa's; my grandfather passed away last week.  He was in the hospital for a few weeks and while I tried to remain optimistic, I'd been dreading it.  I'd actually had a lot anxiety about the possibility since we took the kids for a visit last year because he napped so much and recalled the details of stories incorrectly as well as repeated himself a lot and it struck me that I'm for real getting older and my grandparents are *really* getting older.  Emberly and I flew out for his services and I loved seeing all the old pictures of my grandparents and imagining them as young people.  And seeing family that I don't see often and some that I might as well have never met (some remembered me as a small child, but I didn't remember them).  I think about my grandmother a lot and how hard it must be to suddenly be without someone that you've known since you were a teenager and been married to for nearly 60yrs.  I'm really grateful that my children knew their "Pappy" but I'm sad that Bauer probably won't remember much and that this new baby will never actually know him.  But I've got plenty of stories and pictures to pass on despite missing him dearly.
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  1. I'm sorry that you lost your grandfather. *hugs*

    On a happier note, you are positively glowing. That baby in your belly agrees with you! =)
