Monday, February 20, 2012

True Foods

My weaknesses lay mostly with sweets.
But chips and salsa is up there.  I pretty much stopped going to the farmers market because if I go, then I have to buy salsa from a local vendor.  And what does salsa taste best on but a crazy amount of tortilla chips?!?
But we had some people over Sunday and that was a good enough excuse for me to pick some up.  SOOO delicious.  Gaucamolito is my favorite, followed by Taco Shop Green then Death Salsa.  The mild flavors are good too, I just prefer a bit of heat with my salsa.
The guy that makes it (I should really ask him what his name is) is always at the booth and he's always so nice.  But I'd buy his salsa even if he wasn't :D  It's that yummy.


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