Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hiatus Over

I cloth diapered Emberly from newborn to potty training.  It was a great experience.  I started out with cloth diapers for Bauer too.  But he developed a horrible diaper rash that refused to go away and stay away.  I stripped the diapers numerous times.  I slathered him with coconut oil.  I used fleece liners.  Nothing worked.  I would put him in disposable diapers until the rash was completely healed and within a day of going back to cloth, irritation would reappear.  The only diaper rash Emberly had was after a round of antibiotics when she was nearly 2.  I was at a loss.  So I just gave up.
After a few months, I wanted to try again, but in my mind I had made it an overwhelming task.  It was so much easier to just go buy some sposies, right?  I don't know why I felt that way.  Emberly had been out of diapers for over a year by the time Bauer was born, and yet I didn't dread having to do it again.
Well, car trouble and guests and laziness found me without sposies last Monday.  I decided that it was time to go back to the cloth.
I was indeed making a mountain out of a molehill.  And guess what, after nearly a week, we are still rash free.  I guess he outgrew whatever sensitivity was causing that.
One thing I'm not enjoying though is my front loading washer.  No matter how big or small the load of diapers is, it becomes unbalanced and I have to hover over the load to restart it a gazillion times.
And funny story about my sweet helper... I gave her a poo diaper to go shake over the toilet.  It was the first time I'd asked her to do it, since it didn't require any spraying.  And she was happy to help.  After I got Bauer set up in his jammies, I noticed Emberly was still in the bathroom and the water was running.  She was "washing" the diaper, bless her heart.  She thought she couldn't put a skid-marked diaper in the pail.  You can't help but love the way little minds work.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting back to it! That would be really frustrating. I'm glad the rash isn't back.
    And what a sweet story about the big sister... love those little helpers!
